Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Change is what life is all about. Nothing was ever meant to stay the same. But, as I have stated, many times, change is often difficult to accept. 

I have had people tell me that "giving up driving my car will kill me". Believe me, it won't. No one ever died, from not being able to drive. Not being able to adjust to change, however, could kill someone. Call a taxi, a friend or a relative. Ask for help. Use public transportation. You are still in control, when you make the choice.

Physical limitations are the pits. No one enjoys physical challenges, but not being able to play 18 holes of golf or ride a bike, is just part of getting older. Take up something less strenuous! And, if you can't do that, read a book, work a puzzle or knit. Move. You'll feel better in no time.

Some folks are vehement about staying in their own homes, even when safety is an issue. If you want to live happily ever after, move somewhere safe. Two-story homes are dangerous, if you have mobility issues. So, when you worry about not being able to keep your "stuff", remember that no one takes a U Haul with them, to the cemetery. You have the memories, you don't need the mementoes!

You cannot die from loneliness. It is devastating to lose a spouse or a job.  However, if you choose to moan and groan and feel sorry for yourself, you might decide to quit living...and you will. Instead of complaining of loneliness, do a kind deed for someone you care about. You will feel wanted and needed.

Life is full of changes. The folks who thrive and survive, accept life's changes. Some folks, believe it or not, find that change makes life worth living.

God: You are our constant. With Your help, everything, even change can be embraced. Our trust is in You..

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...