Sunday, October 18, 2020

And Beyond.......

 Grace and Beauty are ageless. Today, I was blessed to observe two dear and beautiful friends greet each other, with ageless Grace. Seeing them together reminded me that they had both celebrated milestone birthdays, this past year. They both turned 100 years old.

We have had several other centenarians at our facility. It shouldn't surprise you to know that they have all been women. Anyone who attempts to tell you that females, of our species, are the weaker sex, is grossly misinformed. I have known a great many 80, 90 and 100 year-old women, who are much stronger than you might imagine.

I have observed that women who live to ninety and beyond, have not lived charmed, easy or uneventful lives. But, all of them are survivors. Spend even a small amount of time, with any of them, and they will fill your heart with amazing stories.

They may not have flown bombers over Dresden, in World War II, but many of them worked in defense plants. They flew bombers to airfields for male pilots, or were aides to high ranking officers. They were war widows and war brides. They knitted socks and sweaters in shelters, during bombing raids. They raised children by themselves and they fed them Campbell's Soup Casseroles and tons of Jello.

They are my She-roes.

Dear God. We are blessed. We know You and You know us. We have limitations, but as we age, we are confident that You are always with us, whatever happens. You are our refuge and our strength.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Well said and thought-filled entry, Lady. I love the SHE-roes, too. Why haven't our Feminist friends picked this one up? Would make a great Slogan for somebody...
Thanks for making me think whenever I read your entries.
Love you.

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