Saturday, October 17, 2020

".........................IS FEAR ITSELF"

That quote may sound familiar to you. It's attributed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and he used it, for the first time, in his 1933 Inaugural Address. "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.", is his signature phrase. I don't think you'll find it on his tombstone, but people recognize it as "his words". (Actually, it appears that it was originally coined by Henry David Thoreau, decades earlier.

Jimmy Carter's signature phrase was, "A Leader for a Change." (An interesting slogan that can be interpreted in a couple of ways.) Barak Obama's phrase was, "Change We Can Believe In." And, of course Donald Trump used "Make America Great Again." It's interesting to remember that Ronald Reagan had a similar one. His was "Let's make America Great Again." Everything old is new again, it seems. 

The slogans or phrases, I like best, are the most original ones. Eisenhower's "I like Ike", was iconic (I couldn't resist the pun). Harry Truman had the best signature phrase, ever quoted, when he forcefully stated, "The Buck Stops Here."

Do you have a signature phrase? Is there something that you find yourself saying over and over, or at least muttering several times a day? Those words could be your signature phrase.

I think mine is  "There you go."  I use it more and more often now, because I am realizing that there is very little left in life that any of us can control!

Dear Lord. You are in control. Remind us to let go and let You lead us and teach us. We are Your clay. Mold us, in Your image.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...