Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Written Word

 If there is one thing in this country that has literally (I am purposely using that word) gone to "hell in a handbasket", it is the Daily Newspaper.  In the good old U.S.A., the printed word is definitely a thing of the past. You live in a rare community, if someone continues to publish a newspaper, daily or weekly in your town.

The Kansas City Star, was once 2 different papers, published twice daily. There was actually enough news, sports and advertising, to fill 2 daily papers. By contrast, today's Kansas City Star only has two sections, each double folded, which makes the paper 8 pages in total. Take away the ever-present full-page ad, touting the sorry paper itself, and you have less than 7 pages of copy. In a town of over a million folks, that seems a bit thin, to me.

The paper is inches smaller, per page, than it used to be. The paper is thiner, too. It's just a little bitty thing. Not Gazette size yet, but the publisher may do that, tomorrow.

The Star keeps asking us to go digital, so they really don't want to print the paper, at all.

We pay dearly for the privilege of reading this sorry rag. Hundreds of dollars, yearly,  which is far too expensive, for this pitiful product. We know we are crazy for continuing to subscribe, but I still want to pull out a pen and work the NYT Crossword, and my husband wants to read the Sports Section. The price of the daily newspaper makes up the bulk of our entertainment expenses!

I noticed this morning that we do have a new feature in the old-fashioned, printed Star.....full color photos, in the "Pets for Sale" section in the ads. Now, I know our money is going to good use!

Dear Lord. Help me to be accepting of change. Life is a mystery.

1 comment:

Karen said...

We discontinued our Orange County Daily a year ago, missed it in the beginning, but, now don't even recall picking it up every morning. When I retrieve my neighbor's paper during an absence, I can't believe how small it has gotten just like your KC paper. It looks like one of the weekly free papers. Can't trust the "fake" news either. What to do?
God bless America!

"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...