Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Fair to Middlin'

The average person discovers, sooner or later, that life isn't fair. Truly, if you expect to be treated fairly in this world, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment.

It begins when a child is told "no", when he wants to hear "yes". Right then and there, unfairness becomes a reality. How about when teenagers want to go somewhere or do something that parents deem dangerous? They tell them no, and of course Mom and Dad will always get hit with that "unfair" Teenage whine. 

Didn't get that expected raise, but your lazy co-worker got a promotion?  Your doctor gives you some bad news, even though you've followed every "health rule" imaginable! Life is certainly unfair.

Fairness is not what life is all about. Your key to happiness, or at least acceptance, is what you do with your disappointment. God wants us to forgive those folks who have treated us unfairly. He wants us to learn that life situations will not always turn out in our favor. Growth comes from adversity. Our lives will never be perfect, we are not in control. When we take our disappointments and turn them into opportunities, we become winners. 

Faith tells us that God goes with us on our entire journey. Whatever happens, God is our constant and he will not forsake us. 

Dear Lord. We are Your children. Show us how to Live in Your goodness. we are blessed.

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