Sunday, May 17, 2020


It is entirely possible that this continuance of the "lock down of 2020" has caused my my mind to  skip a few steps. Along with time, reason seems to be slipping away from me
I decided, a couple of weeks ago, to make some bread. Well, apparently half of the cooks in the United States have had the same idea. Bread has been a bit scarce, at the grocery stores, so making our own bread, has seemed a logical step, for the home-bound masses.
Because of this sudden need to create home-baked bread, flour and yeast have also been absent from  grocery shelves. Last week, I finally found some yeast. Now, I reasoned with myself, was the time to  make some bread..
But, what kind of bread should I make? Sour Dough sounded creative and delicious. Turning to the Internet, I discovered about twenty different recipes for Sour Dough Starter. Everyone, I pondered,  must be making Sour Dough Bread. Sour Dough must be all the rage.
I proceeded to measure the ingredients. But, right before I began to add the liquid to the dry ingredients, I had one of those "deja vu " moments.
OM Golly. I had done this before!  I vividly remembered making sour dough starter. I baked the bread a couple of times and then, because I had to "grow" it by adding stuff to the starter, at regular and seemingly unending intervals, the starter began to multiply and multiply.
I remember trying to give batches of the starter, to my friends, but no one would take it! I ended up pitching the whole mess into the garbage. Actually, I recall, that I may have done this Sour Dough thing, several different times...once in the 60s and another time in the 80s.
So, I ended my bread baking, before it began. After all, bread is back on the shelves.
I wonder if anyone has a recipe for paper products?

Good Lord. We are never satisfied. We never have enough. Remind us to live simply and carefully. Show us how to use our gifts to Your best advantage.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's too bad you live so far away from us. Your nephew, Tom, is becoming a Master Sour-Dough Baker. He brought us a loaf of his warm, delicious masterpiece on Mother's Day! WOW! Were we ever surprised and delighted! It was delicious! We didn't volunteer to take any of his starter, and I guess now I know why! Another neighbor brought us a loaf of raisin bread made in her bread machine. It must really be the Thing Nation-Wide!
Your bread could be the "talk of the town" (borrowed from another bakery)...
Non-Baker Karen

But, what if we need it?

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