Friday, May 15, 2020

"Good Golly Miss Molly"

All of my life, I have been afflicted by an unusual obsession. My brain is full of song lyrics. Not anything original. I've never written song lyrics. But, instead of useful knowledge, like math facts or scientific explanations, my head is full of other people's musical poetry.
I have the weird ability to remember lyrics for any word or occasion. It is hereditary. My sister does it, and I think my mother was guilty of teaching both of us to do it.  Just today, my husband mentioned that he needed to do more walking. I broke into a loose and lively rendition of Fat's Domino's "I'm Walkin". Did a complete verse, by golly.
When my children were young, I was always singing. My boys, particularly one of them, would say, after a quick concert of, "Where Did You Get That Hat?", "I'm Great and No One Knows It", or
"The KU Fight Song"...........Stop Mother!  This obvious disdain of my talent used to bother me. But, guess what my most vocal critic does for his lively hood, now that he doesn't have to listen to me sing, daily? He write songs!
Sometimes, I can't remember what makes me think of certain songs. Yesterday, an obscure  Beatles song popped into my mind, and I started singing. "Her name was McGill. She called herself  Lil. But, everyone knew her as Nancy. " Tomorrow, I'll be singing another gem, from my cerebral catalog.
I can't help it. Life is just one big, long, song.

Dear God. You made each one of us unique. What an incredible accomplishment! Show us how to use our individual talents, to manifest our Faith in You. Your will be done. God Loves Us.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love "Life is one big long song!" That is something to go on a tombstone...
There could be a lot worse things to inherit, or share. Ah, save that for another blog!
Thanks for making my WEEK!
Love you, Karen

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