Thursday, February 13, 2020

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

The world is suddenly all excited about the 5G technology. It's faster than anything we have ever known! It is touted to be capable of everything you would ever want to do, on the net or on your phone. It can probably leap tall buildings in a single bound!
However, it hasn't been all that long ago, that the same folks were excited about 2G, then 3G, then 4G. I'm confused.
G, apparently, stands for Generation. So, 5G is the fifth generation in modern technology.
I can't explain 5G any more than that. But, I am far from being tech savvy. Ask anyone about my computer skills.  Believe me, when I say they are not great. If it were not for the help of my young, work-daughter, I would be using a pen and paper to write .......and adding in my head!
I am sort of proud of the fact, that I don't have a cell phone. I had a smart phone, once, but it proved to be much smarter than yours truly! So, I gave it up, in frustration.
I do appreciate modern technology. But in my heart, I would rather we spend more of God's time,  finding cures for devastating medical conditions and seeking world peace.

Dear Lord. You are our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

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