Wednesday, February 12, 2020

It's Not Easy Being Mean.

Sometimes, especially lately, it seems we are living in a world, populated with meanies. I don't know about you, but I am tired of mean people. I don't like being around them.
Turn on the TV, and almost every channel has someone being mean.....mean to a spouse, mean to a friend or relative, mean to a political opponent, mean to animals, mean, mean, mean!  It's as if we, as a culture, have decided that if we can't say something nice to someone, we need to say something devastating!
And, don't you know, it's a whole lot harder to be mean, than to be kind or even civil to one another. It's so easy to say please, thank you and have a nice day. So, why aren't we doing it?
Have you even known a truly happy mean person? Are you thinking about it? Then, probably not.
It's your choice.
Please, choose to be nice and kind. Others will appreciate you and you will be much happier for your choice.

Dear Lord. Why do we say that we want to be more like You, and then we do or say something mean? That's not like You, at all. Help us to truly be more Christlike.

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