Saturday, October 29, 2016

"Not for just an hour, not for just a day,........."

My work colleague told me that I work too hard. He also said that I take my job too seriously. Well, what's wrong with that? Apparently, working hard and doing your best isn't expected these days. And, that my dear readers, just might be what is wrong with this country.
I'm so old, and maybe you are too, that I remember what "service" used to mean.
In the Good Old Days, doctors made house calls, gas station attendants filled up your tank, checked the oil, and washed your windshield. There were no "self check-out" lanes. And, people stayed in one job for more than 6 months, so you were able to recognize the clerks at the grocery store and the waiters at the local restaurants.
People cared. Teachers and other professionals dressed well and looked nice when they went to work. They did it out of respect for their students and their clients. Today, jeans and a wrinkled tee shirt is the norm. The highlight of the week, at many work places, is "casual" Friday. Oh Yippee! We can go to work looking like we are not working. That, sure is professional.

Well, I can't change. I will continue to work hard and provide service because it's the right thing. And, when someone comments about my work ethic, I will smile and remind myself of the Golden Rule.

Dear Lord: Nowhere in the Bible does it say, do a "half- hearted job". You have not promised us "half" or a "casual" paradise. I know there is scripture about being lukewarm...and being "spat out".
Life is so wonderful. We should give it and You our best, always. Help me to live by the Golden Rule. Always, allow me to be a model for others.


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