Monday, October 17, 2016

Stop it!

Whoever invented those miniature candy bars should be tarred and feathered! I realized years ago that you can't eat just one. No. No. Because the bars are so small, just a few more won't hurt. The more the merrier!
How many of those miniature candy bars, do you suppose, equal one regular sized bar?  Is it three or is it four? Or maybe you can eat five or six before you have ingested the equivalent calorie and sugar amount that credits you with eating a whole Snickers or Milky Way.
How many teeny tiny bags of Peanut M and Ms, equal a whole handful eaten from a candy jar? How many?
Those little bars come in giant bags these days. They appear right after the Fourth of July. You can pick them up at Sam's or Costco for next to nothing, and before you know it, the bag is gone. It isn't even close to Halloween, but you realize, you are going to have to go and buy more candy for the neighborhood Trick or Treaters.
Thank goodness this only happens once a year. But, then after Halloween, when all the candy is finally gone, it will almost be time for Thanksgiving. Uh, oh. Then Christmas, and then New Year's.
Time to think about all those resolutions to improve myself.
Where is my will power?

Great and powerful God: It may be that the greatest temptation of all is chocolate. Help us to focus on what we know is right and steer us away from what we know is wrong. Be our strength and when we go astray, help us to get back on the right road.We glorify your name.....always.

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But, what if we need it?

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