Sunday, October 30, 2016

Just your average Joe.......

One of my very special friends at work has been under the weather for a couple of months. I watched as he started a slow decline. He started having more and more difficulty with movement. He was laboring with his breathing. But, most importantly, his declining health was causing him to lose his signature smile.
This man is always smiling. He has the most pleasant disposition of anyone I have ever known. And, even though he wasn't feeling well, he never seemed to lose his positive outlook on life.
Nothing rattles him. Sure things bother him. He sometimes can't hear his doctor's nurse on the telephone and his sons irritate him occasionally, but this man is a ray of sunshine, to just about everyone, on any given day.
But, his smile was missing. I was worried.
Last week, he went to the local hospital for some "minor" surgery. Unfortunately, at work, this is a scenario that doesn't always turn out well.
But, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine and a timely placed Pace Maker, my ray of sunshine is back. He looks terrific. He has great color and I can tell that he feels much better.
How do I know? Because that million dollar smile is back.
Miracles Happen.

Dear Lord: Why are we so surprised when things turn out well? Where is our faith in You? Life certainly has its ups and downs. Bad stuff happens, but good stuff happens, too. Throughout this journey our only constant is You. You are always with us, on every hill and in every valley. Thank you for the "Joes" in our lives. We thank you for all of the folks that we meet. Every relationship blesses our lives. We glorify your name.

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