Saturday, March 16, 2013

What do you think?

I would list my number one character fault as being quick on the trigger with judgemental thoughts. Jumping to conclusions are an unfortunate part of my being. And, you know what? It turns out that I am very often wrong.
Someone once said, " Snap judgements are liable to come unfastened.", and they were right.
I have just finished the novel, "The Paris Wife." It's the tale of Ernest Hemingway, his first wife and their short life together. The story takes place in Paris (duh) shortly after World War I. It's fiction, but I am sure there were diaries, first hand accounts and historical facts to back up the author's account.
Now, it shouldn't surprise you that Hemingway comes off looking like a jerk, in this novel. If you know anything about Hemingway, you have read that his life was a total mess....before and after the period of  "The Paris Wife". Alcohol, womanizing, 3 or four wives, drugs and eventual suicide.
However, because I have learned that maybe I need a few more concrete facts in order to pass judgement, I have decided to read "A Moveable Feast", which is Hemingway's personal account of the same time period.
But maybe, just maybe, I should stop passing judgement altogether and just enjoy a good book.

Holy Lord. We know that only YOU have the right to judge us. Keep us on the straight and narrow. Lead us in the decisions that please you. Guide us toward the life that leads to your Kingdom.

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