Thursday, March 7, 2013

Show Me State

I sincerely believe that we all have our "gifts and graces". Each one of us is truly good at something. That noted, I would like to add that every one of us has things that we cannot or should not do. It is a blessing to know the difference.
Last week, I was downtown waiting for a friend. As I sat, I observed a woman attempting to parallel park her car. Parallel parking is a practiced skill, and if you have a valid driver's license, you are supposed to have learned how to do it.
With empathy (I have been known to circle a city block two or three times looking for a spot where I won't have to parallel park), I watched this woman. First, she tried backing into the space. Unable to park that way, she tried going forward and pulling into the space. Then she tried backing in, again. She gave it three more tries before she finally gave up and drove off.
So what makes this so unusual, you querry? The woman was driving a Smart Car. Those cars are made for small spaces. You can park them on the sidewalk, for Pete's sake. OMGolly. Those tiny vehicles have no front or rear end.

You could say that she was too dumb to park a Smart Car.

Oh God. Be our teacher and help us in all of our endeavors. But, help us to learn our limitations. Keep us ever mindful that we are not all-knowing and all-powerful. Only You can do all things. We praise you name.

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