Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Trust and Obey, for there's no other way....."

Today, I totally exhibited the behavior of a seventh grader. Yes-siree. I was right back there at Lakeside Junior High School, thirteen years old, and unable to keep my eyes from staring out of the big glass windows overlooking Adams Street.  I was fascinated by the rapidly falling snow. It was as if I were eagerly awaiting the announcement of one of those blessed snow days. Maybe there would be no school for the rest of today...and maybe no school tomorrow!
The truth of the situation was, of course, I was wondering how bad the snow-snarled traffic was going to get, before I could head home from my job. How many fender benders would I have to avoid? I was thinking about the hills, the bridges, the overpasses and the crazy drivers. I was wondering whether my usual 25 minute drive would be stretched into several hours.
Luckily, the streets were just wet and not icy for my commute home. I cruised home at the usual pace, 27 minutes, door to door. No delays.
But, I can't get over how anxious I actually was. Never once did I stop to "consider the lillies of the field." Oh, Me of Little Faith.

Good and gracious God. When will I ever learn? I am so old and yet I haven't matured enough to trust in you, completely. Forgive me. Continue to watch over me, even when I think and do really stupid things. You are so wise. You deserve my total trust.

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