Wednesday, January 1, 2025

"Let's start the New Year right...."

First Post of the New Year. This is where my list of New Year's Resolutions, should be inserted. Let me just tell you that my list of faults is unusually long. I have a lot of improvement to make, in 2025.

Most folks, data says, keep their New Year's Resolutions, an average of less than four months. In fact there is a specific, designated "Quitters Day" (The second Friday of January) which tells me that, for a fact, it's way less than four months.

Here is a list of six of the most popular Resolutions, and my thoughts about each of them:

1. Save more money. (Not happening. I'm 78, for what and why would I be saving it??)

2. Eat healthier. (Okay. That's a pretty good one, and I could do that, but I like to eat.)

3. Exercise more. (Another good one. We have a room full of exercise equipment. I just need to use it.)

4. Lose weight. (If I ate healthier and exercised more.....Right?)

5. Spend more time with Family and Friends. (I think my Family is happy that I have a lot of Friends, who keep me busy and away from bothering my Family.)

6. Quit smoking. (I never started.)

So, I have recently read that the best way to ensure keeping Resolutions, is to "add something positive" as a goal. Remember when, as children, we would attempt to "give up chocolate for Lent"? That's negative. We should have been thinking about "helping mom more, or doing our homework without prompting". So, writing a blog a week, or finishing craft projects I've already started, would qualify as positive????

And, those resolutions are more successful, if you celebrate your success. That's where I would have a problem. Because, if I would lose weight, I would want to celebrate with eating something very sweet or excessively greasy.......which would not be healthy eating and certainly would make me gain back, any weight I had lost.

So, I'll not be making any New Year's Resolutions in 2025. I'll just be doing what I can to make it a good year for everyone.


Dear Lord. Some of our decisions are bad, unhealthy or downright stupid. We need Your guidance. Help us to use the little wisdom that we have and allow us to rely on Your Ever Present Grace.

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