Friday, December 27, 2024

"Who Are You? Who, who, who who?"

 I did not get "A Hippopotamus for Christmas." I didn't ask for one, but I have been seeing some really cute Hippo videos, on Facebook. Those videos and a few other Internet "surprises" have me thinking. Just who and how has the world, specifically the Web, inserted themselves into my lifestyle, without my permission.

Ah yes, I occasionally click on something that peaks my interest. We all do. But then, low and behold, a similar ad or info blurb will pop up on my screen, for days. I don't like it. 

I am very careful about typing in answers to random questions. I know, that if I admit recognizing a metal ice cube tray, I'm telling my age. And those "you are a genius if you can see a certain letter series in a puzzle" is an ego trap, to get information. I'm onto those tricks. But, if I click on a certain crochet pattern, because it's interesting, who then sends me hundreds of patterns and yarn ads? I don't like these intrusions into my privacy.

If you dare to imagine that the cloud (whatever that is) doesn't know dozens of facts about you and your personal business, you're not in touch with reality. But, bottom line, there isn't much we can do about this particular issue. It's life, as we know or don't know it.

Be safe out there. I know those hippos are cute and the "3 ingredient recipes" are intriguing, but be aware. Someone, somewhere is tracking us and amassing information. Watch what you click on, for I know, almost certainly, that I am on a "hit list". A list of  "old lady, grandma, gourmet, book reader, crocheter, shoe shopper, Beatles fan, adventurous, hippopotamus lovers.


Dear Lord. Keep us safe from our own stupidity. Your children are constantly in need of Your guidance and wisdom. Watch over us.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...