Thursday, September 12, 2024

Who Really Cares?

 Is it fair? Is it fair to travel back into time and change a person's legacy? I mean, a hundred or maybe two hundred years from now, will it be important to know if, let's say Taylor Swift, wrote pornographic limericks in her spare time? (As far as I know, that is definitely not true. I made that up. Please, don't quote me.)

I have recently become interested in the literary works of Lewis Carroll, author of "Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass". I've watched a couple of videos concerning his life, his books and of another of his great skills, photography. He was a pioneer in the art of photography, taking pictures in the 1850s. One of those biographies, alluded to the fact that he enjoyed taking suggestive photos of young girls. Now, the photos are still there for us to see. Maybe they are a little bit odd. But, not one living soul remains around, after nearly 200 years, to give us the true facts.  And, if we knew the truth, would it change the fact that he wrote delightful, fanciful fiction?

Today, I read that Abraham Lincoln was probably gay.  Oh my, what difference does it make, whether he was gay or not? Did that have anything to do with him writing the Emancipation Proclamation? Or, for being a martyr, in 1863?

These days, very few folks believe all of what they see or read? "Just the facts ma'am", said Joe Friday. Stuff gets published today, that simply isn't true. And, with AI, a lot of what we see, isn't real. Changing history, isn't the best use, in my opinion, of our intellect.

Don't forget......"Judge not lest ye be judged." (Matthew 7:1)


Good and All-knowing God. Remind us to mind our own business. Most of us have enough trouble trying to manage our own lives. Why do we insist on interfering with others, on another path? Why do we insist on trying to change the minds and hearts of those we know.....or don't know? Keep us on our own journey.

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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...