Friday, August 16, 2024

"Second Hand Rose, they call me Second Hand Rose....."

Today, I needed to make a trip to a local thrift emporium (That's Fancy Nancy Speak, for a second-hand store). I have been fortunate, in my lifetime, to be able to choose where I shop. That means, that I shop most anywhere I want (Sotheby and Tiffany, maybe not), but today, I chose to spend my dollars thriftily. Along with that information, I'll add that the county, in which I reside, is the most affluent county in the state of Kansas. Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift live near me, for Pete's sake!

Well who knew, that an absolute hoard of locals would be shopping at the local Thrift Store. Holy Magoaly! I couldn't find a place to park. I had to truly circle the parking lot until someone came out and left an open parking place. Inside, the store was busier than the local WalMart, before a three-day weekend. It was packed. Young folks, grandmas and grandpas, well-dressed matronly types and scruffies were all stuffing items into their carts. The clothing aisles were crowded and the housewares area was chaos.

I found just what I wanted.....a couple of colorful tutus, a Dracula Cape and a Darth Vader Mask (I just couldn't pass that thing up) and headed to the nearest line. This store takes cards and does "self" checkout. Will wonders never cease?

So, whilst driving home, I contemplated my experience. Locally owned department stores have all shut their doors in recent years. Macy's (who bought many of them) is nearly out of business. So, is JC Penney's. Shoe stores are practically non-existent. People are supposedly ordering more and more on line. From China, I'm told. Stores are empty, everywhere I look. So is this a result of the sad state of the American Economy? Or, are we, as a country, just changing our shopping habits?

Something to ponder, I suppose. Seriously, I'm going back to the Thrift Store, soon. They had some really cute stuff!


Dear Lord. Remind us to take care of Your planet. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are good words.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...