Saturday, July 20, 2024


I have just been self- diagnosed with OSD. It's definitely not contagious and as far as I know, no one as yet, has ever succumbed to this rare disorder. I think I may have contracted OSD, from exposure to my family members, years ago. However, it may also be hereditary. It has been a bit of a distraction, since my very early childhood.

My earliest "remembry" of Obsessive Singing Disorder may actually have been learning the words to "Down Went McGinty". It's a marvelously goofy 1890's, Irish ditty, that my Grandpa Tom taught me. I must have been nearly 2 years old. Tom's brothers were are singers and his only sister played piano at the local movie houses. OSD came naturally to me, and I've pretty much always had it.

My mother and sister also were afflicted. My sister studied piano, for years, and played all types of music, and if there were words involved, I learned them. Music from the 19th and 20th Centuries, are my specialty. We had that kind of sheet music, at my house. Recently, I won a dollar, when I "Named That Tune", on a historic home tour. I could have sung it, word perfect, for the emcee, but the stunned look on his face when I gave him the title, stopped me! "My Wild Irish Rose", is a bit obscure. But, I could have belted out a couple of verses. Seriously, I would probably have known the title, and at least most of the first and second verses of anything, that man could have played. It's a thing with me.

Okay, I have never been a paid performer, but I can do a pretty good impression of Tina Turner, whilst whipping up dinner, most nights. "Rollin on the River" is great kitchen music. Elvis, the Beatles, the Beach Boys? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Lately, since I have returned to my roots, in Kansas, I have been recalling my Kansas related songs. I could begin with "Home on the Range", followed by the University of Kansas Alma Mater and Fight Song, four or five more, then end with "Over the Rainbow." Unfortunately, no one is interested in a concert.

So, don't be concerned. It's an odd sort of disease. I live with it. OSD, along with my other problem, OCRD (Obsessive Compulsive Recitation Disorder) will be with me, I'm convinced, to the end of my days. Actually, I think I am blessed. I have never been bored. I can always entertain myself.


Lord: You have blessed each of us with particular gifts and graces. Grant us the ability to accept not only our own talents, but to appreciate those of others. Your world is a grand and glorious place.

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