Thursday, April 4, 2024

Genetically Modified........

And Proud of It. 

How many times have you quoted the lines, "Old Age isn't for sissies."? This particular quote is usually attributed to the movie actress, Bette Davis. You remember her. She's the one with the "Bette Davis Eyes".

Funny how that all ties together for me today. My day began with trip to a doctors' clinic, for the first of two routine cataract surgeries. Cataracts in aging eyes are a common problem for old people. Folks who make it to their 70's and 80's have this kind of surgery, all of the time. Bette Davis, for all I know, had cataract surgery in her golden years.

Thank God, Henry Ford perfected the Assembly Line, because my experience this morning was right out of a "Age of the Automobile Handbook". Sit down, sign a dozen forms, write a check (this kind of surgery is labeled "cosmetic", as if it's electable, that you need to see?????), lay down on one of a line of gurneys, listen to the instructions, swallow some anesthetic, listen to the same instructions repeated to the other folks on the other gurneys and then wait you turn for the 10 minute procedure. Assembly line medicine, at it's best!

My surgery went well. I was on the way home 10:30. Thanks to my excellent chauffeur, I arrived back at the house by noon. My excursion was immediately followed by a long nap. And, now I am feeling fit as a fiddle, except my new outlook is all blurry and my vision is a fuzzy mess. I know that this too shall pass, and soon my improved distance vision will be that of a 20 year old! 


All Powerful Lord. Thank You for Your many blessings. Science and technology, like all of our gifts, have been given to us to be used wisely. We bless Your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Glad to know that All Went Well. Now you can "Join the Club!"
Your MUCH Older

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