Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Friends. Romans, countrymen lend me your ears."

 How are your memorization skills? Lots of folks, as they age, say that they can't or maybe won't memorize anything anymore. But, as my reader, you have no doubt suspected or perhaps decided that I am rather quirky. I love to memorize certain things....not passwords or important stuff, just crazy poetry and nonsense.

For instance, I recite memorized poetry to relax and put myself to sleep, most nights. I also recite memorized verses when I am on hold, waiting, or when I am nervous or frightened. It works for me 90% of the time.

Unfortunately, on occasions, this bizarre hobby backfires. The other night, while trying to go to sleep, I got stuck in the middle of The Gettysburg Address. Right after "above our poor power to add or detract.", I forgot the next line. Well, I couldn't go to sleep, so I started on another favorite, "Whenever I walk in a London Street..." and I went to sleep, probably about half way through.

The next morning, I couldn't get to the computer screen fast enough. I had to get the full Gettysburg Address, back in my memory and get on with my life. The heck with showering, getting dressed and breakfast. I knew what my priorities should be. So, I quickly found the very short, just over 3 minute speech, and gave it a few quick recitations and I was back in business. My mind was quieted and calmed. 

Just remember folks, those strange people that you see talking to themselves, might just be reciting poetry. It works for me, and maybe more people than I think. Tonight, I might do my favorite RLS poem, "The Swing". "How I do like to go up in a swing. Up in the air so blue......."


 Lord: Help us to remember You Grace and Power are forever. They are constant.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh, I think it's the pleasantest thing
Ever a child could do.

Now I'll have to look that one up and see if I got it right.
I think I can do the whole thing, too.

Haven't thought of that Swing poem in a century almost...
Love you, YMOOOOOS

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...