Thursday, November 16, 2023

Three Feet in a Yard

There is a terribly funny, Saturday Night Live Sketch about the Founding Fathers of the United States and how they set up "OUR" system of measurement, versus the way the rest of the world measures stuff. I particularly remember the George Washington character relating how logically all of our numbered distances were, especially the fact that there are 5,280 feet in a mile. That number was chosen, he related, because it was such an easy number to remember. How bizarre is that?????

Now, frankly, I have never understood math. Well, I can add, subtract, multiply and work long division. Not easily, in my head, but I can do it. I taught elementary school, for goodness sakes. I can also tell time, both on an analog clock and a digital device. So, imagine my surprise when I got a text telling me to report to the local hospital for tests at 15:00 and 16:00.  Military Time for goodness sake!

I have never saluted anyone. I couldn't tell you who has more stripes, a Private or a Corporal. I can't tell time using the Military System. Who do they think I am?????

Praise the Lord, for the Internet. You can have almost any question answered. The Internet explains obscure knowledge. If my research is correct, I have one appointment at 3, and another at 4 p.m. Easy Peasy. The next thing I plan to conquer is a Sun Dial.                                                                         


Great God: Our knowledge is limited. Help us have the sense to ask for Your help when we need it. Life is too hard to do it by ourselves. 

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But, what if we need it?

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