Saturday, November 18, 2023

I'll be with you, Shortly.

As I look up at them, I often amuse folks by telling them about a mistaken belief of mine. Well into my adult years, I thought I was a tall person. After all, in school pictures, sometimes I was on the second row. Many of my classmates were much shorter than me. No one teased me about being a shorty. Adults, by the time I was around 14, looked me in the eye.

When I left my hometown, I realized the truth. I was vertically challenged. Because no one, from where I was reared, was tall. Most of my classmates, if they were Southeast Kansans, born and bred, with first generation American parents, were the grandsons and granddaughters of European coal miners. Deep shaft mines were abundant in that area, and miners tended to be on the shorter side. Therefore, with the exception of a few outsiders, we were all a bunch of shorties. 

Well, five foot, two inches isn't tall. I soon learned that. However, being short does have its advantages. I can easily reach down and pick up dropped stuff. I'm good at finding lost articles, stored away on bottom shelves. Short people are great at tying shoelaces, their own and those of others.  Decorating the lower branches of Christmas Trees, has always been my specialty. Tall people are normally eager to reach high things, for me. Crawling on my hands and knees is easy, getting up, not so much.

I do, unfortunately have a couple of very tall, cheeky friends who make a habit of resting their elbows on my head. Just part of the "short people" experience. As Popeye always said, "I am what I am. and that's all that I am." Some things can't be changed.


Lord, I am thankful for who and whose I am. I will strive to be the best person I can be, within a few physical limitations. I am blessed. You are my strength.

1 comment:

Karen said...

"But, oh, what those five feet can do..."
Love you, Shorty!

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