Thursday, November 2, 2023



I am my worst own enemy. Sometimes my vanity (I am rather deaf and I pretend that I am not) or maybe my stupidity, gets me into a lot of trouble. 

This tale might seem familiar to some of you. 

Out of the blue, my short hair is suddenly too long. I need a haircut, immediately. If it is late at night, I have been known to take a pair of scissors and cut it myself (often with disastrous results) or rush to a salon ASAP. 

Tuesday morning, I walked into the salon, near me. I'd been there before. The woman at the counter asked my name (I think), she pulled out a card and looked it over, presumably to find out what they had done, for me, in the past. Then, she asked me something that sounded like "the same as last time". I replied, "Sure." I sit down, take out my hearing aids (now I am completely deaf) and she begins. Her first move was to take an electric razor and carve a path through my hair. Too late to stop her, at that point. I was sporting a reverse Mohawk!!!!!

So, I now have the almost shortest haircut of my life. I've had Chemotherapy, and I lost all of my hair. That was the definitely the shortest. My hair will grow back, it always does. Someone once said that a bad haircut only lasts a couple of weeks. Let's hope. It's just such a shock when I look in the mirror. It's really bad.

I'm almost afraid to leave the house. 

Lesson learned. I have to make sure that I really listen. Look before I leap! Pay attention. Don't make any stupid moves. Don't trust anyone. Be sure. Ask folks to repeat themselves....often.

Have I forgotten anything?????????


Lord: We are foolish. Rescue us from the damage we do to ourselves. 

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But, what if we need it?

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