Friday, October 27, 2023


I have, in my house, a tiny computer room. Last night, my adult daughter was standing over my shoulder, watching me attempt to post a message, when her sight must have wandered, beyond my back, towards the doorway. She says, "So, dad must have changed the way the door opened, at some time?" I finish typing and turn around. "No, I reply. I put a door lock on the inside, at the top of the door, to keep you kids out." Now, I haven't had any really small children in my care, for months. My youngest local grandchild is 11. So, imagine my surprise when the following astonishing thing happened, in my "child proofed" office.

After my announcement, I stand up, reach up and casually flip the lock into a closed position. "See." I told her. Well, the lock had not been used, in perhaps 40 years, so it was stuck. I couldn't open the lock. Right away we realized we were hopelessly confined.  And, for some reason, both of us were immediately doubled over in hysterical laughter. Two adults, locking themselves into a 6 by 6 room, was ridiculously funny. After we failed, several times, to release the lock at floor level, I climbed on a chair. But, I still couldn't get the darn thing to open. Probably because I was laughing so hard. Climbing down, and still laughing, I searched for something, big enough to force the lock to open. I grabbed a stapler.

Back up on the chair, I whacked the lock a couple of times, and it finally slid into the open position. We were free. Thank goodness. We did have a phone, in the room with us, but of course we were locked in......not out. Who does that? The whole episode was a bizaare blend of an Agatha Christie "Who-Done-It", and a touch of "I Love Lucy" chaos. 

The moral of this tale is.....Retirees: Check your homes for any old "Child Proof" items that you may have installed 40 or 50 years ago. Get rid of them. They can be dangerous and perhaps deadly to Senior Citizens.


                                   All Knowing God, protect us from ourselves.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Another Tale of Survival. Who knew?
Love the "Protect from ourselves"
Hugs to Amy.

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