Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A penny for your thoughts?

For years, I have joked about my unusual ability to recall song lyrics......whether  the occasion calls for it, or not. In fact that this incredible but totally useless talent has never, ever earned me one penny! Well, last weekend, that all changed.

Over the weekend, my patient traveling companion and I were visiting a 19th century, beautifully restored mansion, in a nearby city. The house has 26 rooms, all filled with period furnishings. We were led through the house by an excellent guide, who surprised us in the home's music room He sat down at a very nice, but tinny sounding Steinway, and hastily played a pretty little tune. Then, he stood up and boasted, "I'll give a dollar to the first person who can name that tune." So, I say "My Wild Irish Rose". Surprised (actually stunned) he whips out a bill and gives it to me. Saying, that he had not expected anyone to know that tune. (I would have sung the words, correctly, if he had asked me.)

Rare, you're thinking. Well, not really. The weekend before, at a Fall Festival, my same companion and I stopped to hear a 1850's pioneer re-enactor, tell the history of and then play a cute tune, "My Grandfather's Clock" Well, I sang along to that, knowing most of the words. My memory faulted at several of the verses. Unfortunately and as usual, no money was offered, for my talents.

My poor traveling companion has ceased to question whether I know the words to even the most obscure song. He just smiles and shrugs his shoulders. There you go.


Lord. Life is full of small joys and blessings. Our talents, large or small come from You. We are truly thankful. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wasn't there a TV or radio program called "Name That Tune" years ago? You should have been a Contestant!
Love your Many Talents!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...