Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"Up, Up and Away"

 As a child, I was able to do something, new, unusual and very exciting, that no other kid in my fourth  grade classroom, had ever done. I got to travel, all the way to California, via airplane.

Have you ever flown in, or seen a DC 3?  Well, that's how my mother and I traveled to Southern California, leaving from the Pittsburg, Kansas Airport and flying first to Wichita and then into Los Angeles.  We flew Ozark Airlines on the first leg and then probably TWA, out of the much bigger than Pittsburg, city of Wichita. Back then, Wichita was quite a hub and the home of Boeing, the manufacturer of most of the U.S. commercial airliners.

The DC 3 was quite a bit smaller than any of today's aircraft and boarding was done from near the tail end, which was the lowest point on the plane.. The fuselage of the plane was slanted because the DC 3 was a "tail dragger". Don't even try to explain that term to a young person.

I don't remember much about the flight. Characteristically Nancy, I do remember what I wore. It was a two piece suit, which was made of tiny checked brown and white material. The skirt was pleated and I wore white socks. I hope I wore Mary Janes, but knowing my mom, I probably wore those God awful brown oxfords, that I hated. Everyone dressed up for flying in the 1950's.

Anyway, I do remember all of my friends asking about my California adventure, and whether I got to visit Disneyland (It had just opened.) I didn't. After paying for the flight, Mom thought the amusement park was too expensive! Any idea how much admission, to the new park was, in 1955? One dollar.


Great and all powerful Lord. You have given us the ability to adapt to change. Growing old gracefully isn't easy, but necessary. Grant us mercy and give us grace.

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