Saturday, August 5, 2023

"Ain't It Funny, how time slips away?"

 How many times have we all thought and even said out loud, "Wasn't it only yesterday. when......."? Why, heck no. Whatever you were thinking about or mentioning, in truth, really happened about 30 years ago, or maybe even more. I know that I am not alone in wondering.....Where did the time go??????

Today, whilst perusing the majestically informative posts of Facebook, I happened upon a picture of Dhani Harrison (He's the son of the late Beatle, George Harrison.), that noted his 45th Birthday. Wait. How can that be? Wasn't it only 20 years ago that I was screaming at the TV set, at his father and the... only 20 years ago........Wait. I, myself, have children much older than 45. Paul McCartney has 8 grandchildren who refer to him as "Grandude" and I have 13 grandkids who call me, occasionally. And, OMG, Paul is 81 years old! (I only mention Sir Paul, because well, he was always THE ONE, you know!!!)

Well, I'm coming to grips and gradually getting over my amazement, at how old I am, and how long I have actually been alive. I am beginning to mellow out and actually acknowledging some truth about about my aging self........

                    #1. I am probably never going to act my age

                     #2. I am more comfortable with who I am, right now, than I have ever been

                     #3. I like electric blue nail polish. on my toenails

                     #4. If I feel like singing aloud....very loudly, in my car, when I am driving alone. I will.

                     #5. I am still a work in progress.       


Great and All Knowing Lord. I am grateful for my many blessings. Use me to improve Your World.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Won't be long before you'll be adding ANOTHER one to your Wonderful Self! Love your thoughts (as Always)! Thanks for sharing your Gift!
Love you,

But, what if we need it?

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