Friday, March 17, 2023

EV, All the Way!

 Traveling by car is one thing, traveling by EV is, in the words of any wise mid-westerner, "a whole 'nother thing". My friend, owner of a bright red Tesla, invited me to accompany him on a recent excursion, to and from the Grand Canyon. So, off we went!

Being a reliable sort, the EV owner had his vehicle charged and ready for travel, when we began our trip. There are no dials, gauges, or switches on the dashboard of an EV, but there is a large computer screen. The screen can be operated by either touch or voice command. So, using the voice command of "Navigate to the Emporia Supercharger", we began our trip. 

Superchargers, owned by Tesla, for use by Tesla drivers, are supposedly situated in convenient places, ready to charge the EV, with enough power to continue to the next destination. Now, to a senior citizen, a convenient place would include (think gas station here), not only a place to charge the car, but a clean restroom, convenience store (fresh cup of coffee) or restaurant and a place to move and stretch your legs. We discovered, right away, that the back lot of a Holiday Inn Express or Motel 6, doesn't really have any of those things. Basically, to recharge is to waste a half hour of your life, just sitting there, wishing for a bathroom! How old is Mr. Musk, anyway? Certainly  old enough to realize that seniors have potty issues!

The lack of convenient restrooms, is seriously, the only thing I would improve in the EV experience. I mean, my little Ford, doesn't have a screen full of music, entertainment options or a screen of the latest stock market quotes! It also doesn't have a "Romance" screen that will show you a picture of a blazing, dancing fire, which actually emits heat, while soft music plays in the background! (BTW, this is a feature available ONLY when the car is parked.) Don't ask!

Going down the road, in the Self-Driving mode, gives you a full view of the road, in front, in back and to both sides. It will hold you in the middle of your lane, brake, pass with turn signals, and accelerate, all automatically. However, it will not allow you to close your eyes, more than momentarily, or take your hands off the steering wheel, for any extended period of time. You can take physical control, at any time, but Tesla is able to do the driving, by herself. 

Also, an EV provides more cargo space, than your average gas powered vehicle. Besides the trunk, and collapsible back seats, there is also a frunk. Because, there is no engine under the front hood, you have extra space, under the hood, in the front of the car.

Mr. Musk, I might add, does have a peculiar sense of humor. For holiday time, you can turn your vehicle (video screen image) from a car, to Santa's sleigh, going down the road. The cars you pass become reindeer and the turn signal converts to jingle bells. Christmas music plays faintly in the background. Also, there is a feature titled "Emissions Control", which pokes fun of gasoline powered vehicles, by emitting sounds of ''........yes, you guessed it. Rather Junior High-ish, but none the less, awfully funny.

EVs are amazingly quiet and super fun to drive...or sort of drive. Try one, you'll like it!

Dear Lord. Be with us, on our journey. Protect us and keep us safe.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...