Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Senior Moment or Two

I forgot two of my grandchildren! I have thirteen, or thought I had, until I counted them up this morning and then I could only come up with eleven. For months, I've been proudly telling everyone, that asked (or didn't ask, really) that I have 13 grandchildren. Four children, thirteen grandchildren! Was I telling a lie?

I counted and recounted. Eleven. Eleven. Eleven. 

Then, a couple of hours later, I remembered two more. I hadn't been lying. The total is thirteen. How could I forget any of them? I am proud to be the grandmother of each and every one. They are singularly precious and special. 

But, don't we all forget something, sometime? Honestly, there are times when I forget where I'm going. I forget where I put my glasses, my phone, and my purse. And, those things occur, while I'm still in the house. Luckily, the bigger and more important things, I don't usually forget. But, that's because I write them down. I have three "working" calendars, and I consistently consult all of them. 

I guess the solution, to this latest issue, is to write down all thirteen of the grandkid's names. Kind of, make my own Grandchildren Family Tree, and stick it on the refrigerator, with my appointments. Then, I'll remember, for certain.

Dear God. Keep me on the straight and narrow. Keep me focused. "Guide my feet, while I run this race".

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