Sunday, March 26, 2023

"A rose by any other name....."

 There was a time, years ago, when my children were about to provide me with grandchildren, that I made the statement, "Be careful, when you choose a name. Make sure it won't cause playground trouble." Eventually, I quit saying it, because, no one paid attention, to moi, the seasoned playground monitor. None of my children seemed to care about the things, that grandma worried about.

The popularity of first names, is trendy. My friends were all named Sandy, Susie, Judy, Julie and Linda. None of those names are used on today's babies. Bob, Joe, Bill, Rick and Eddie, aren't popular either. Although, most of those boys' names are currently gender fluid, which is certainly a popular trend.

Which brings me to my name, Nancy. Why was I named Nancy? I'm not quite sure, but, here is my theory. My 6 year old sister wanted to name me Jane. Not after Jane Austen, the author, but after Jane, in the Dick and Jane primer series, popular at the time with first graders. My parents must have nixed that idea. You know "Plain Jane", and all that. My mother professed, that she was enamored by the way a distant cousin, with a southern accent, pronounced Nancy, using four or five syllables. Maybe that's true. My dad, probably didn't care, he was hoping for a boy!

And, they wouldn't have followed my "playground" warning, either. I became Fancy Nancy. Nancy rhymes with Pantsy, Schmancy, and Antsy. Not fun. Then there are the alliterations.....Nasty Nancy, Naughty Nancy, and so on.

However, are you aware of an old, old song, with the name Nancy, in the title? (Obscure song lyrics are my thing, you know.)  Frank (another passé name choice) Sinatra, had a hit song, "Nancy with the Laughing Face". It was written in 1942, four years, before I came along. It's not a classic. I haven't heard it in years. The lyrics, written by Phil Silvers (later Sgt. Bilko?????), compare Nancy, could have been Frank's first wife or his eldest daughter (both named Nancy), to Garbo, Grable and Turner. Those aren't names, easily recognized by anyone breathing today. The song will never make anyone's "Hit Parade", but I like it. What Nancy wouldn't?

Great and all powerful God. You have made each of us unique and special in Your eyes. Show us how to appreciate each other. Make us loving, kind and understanding.

                                          It's Nancy, the baby with the Laughing Face!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Senior Moment or Two

I forgot two of my grandchildren! I have thirteen, or thought I had, until I counted them up this morning and then I could only come up with eleven. For months, I've been proudly telling everyone, that asked (or didn't ask, really) that I have 13 grandchildren. Four children, thirteen grandchildren! Was I telling a lie?

I counted and recounted. Eleven. Eleven. Eleven. 

Then, a couple of hours later, I remembered two more. I hadn't been lying. The total is thirteen. How could I forget any of them? I am proud to be the grandmother of each and every one. They are singularly precious and special. 

But, don't we all forget something, sometime? Honestly, there are times when I forget where I'm going. I forget where I put my glasses, my phone, and my purse. And, those things occur, while I'm still in the house. Luckily, the bigger and more important things, I don't usually forget. But, that's because I write them down. I have three "working" calendars, and I consistently consult all of them. 

I guess the solution, to this latest issue, is to write down all thirteen of the grandkid's names. Kind of, make my own Grandchildren Family Tree, and stick it on the refrigerator, with my appointments. Then, I'll remember, for certain.

Dear God. Keep me on the straight and narrow. Keep me focused. "Guide my feet, while I run this race".

Friday, March 17, 2023

EV, All the Way!

 Traveling by car is one thing, traveling by EV is, in the words of any wise mid-westerner, "a whole 'nother thing". My friend, owner of a bright red Tesla, invited me to accompany him on a recent excursion, to and from the Grand Canyon. So, off we went!

Being a reliable sort, the EV owner had his vehicle charged and ready for travel, when we began our trip. There are no dials, gauges, or switches on the dashboard of an EV, but there is a large computer screen. The screen can be operated by either touch or voice command. So, using the voice command of "Navigate to the Emporia Supercharger", we began our trip. 

Superchargers, owned by Tesla, for use by Tesla drivers, are supposedly situated in convenient places, ready to charge the EV, with enough power to continue to the next destination. Now, to a senior citizen, a convenient place would include (think gas station here), not only a place to charge the car, but a clean restroom, convenience store (fresh cup of coffee) or restaurant and a place to move and stretch your legs. We discovered, right away, that the back lot of a Holiday Inn Express or Motel 6, doesn't really have any of those things. Basically, to recharge is to waste a half hour of your life, just sitting there, wishing for a bathroom! How old is Mr. Musk, anyway? Certainly  old enough to realize that seniors have potty issues!

The lack of convenient restrooms, is seriously, the only thing I would improve in the EV experience. I mean, my little Ford, doesn't have a screen full of music, entertainment options or a screen of the latest stock market quotes! It also doesn't have a "Romance" screen that will show you a picture of a blazing, dancing fire, which actually emits heat, while soft music plays in the background! (BTW, this is a feature available ONLY when the car is parked.) Don't ask!

Going down the road, in the Self-Driving mode, gives you a full view of the road, in front, in back and to both sides. It will hold you in the middle of your lane, brake, pass with turn signals, and accelerate, all automatically. However, it will not allow you to close your eyes, more than momentarily, or take your hands off the steering wheel, for any extended period of time. You can take physical control, at any time, but Tesla is able to do the driving, by herself. 

Also, an EV provides more cargo space, than your average gas powered vehicle. Besides the trunk, and collapsible back seats, there is also a frunk. Because, there is no engine under the front hood, you have extra space, under the hood, in the front of the car.

Mr. Musk, I might add, does have a peculiar sense of humor. For holiday time, you can turn your vehicle (video screen image) from a car, to Santa's sleigh, going down the road. The cars you pass become reindeer and the turn signal converts to jingle bells. Christmas music plays faintly in the background. Also, there is a feature titled "Emissions Control", which pokes fun of gasoline powered vehicles, by emitting sounds of ''........yes, you guessed it. Rather Junior High-ish, but none the less, awfully funny.

EVs are amazingly quiet and super fun to drive...or sort of drive. Try one, you'll like it!

Dear Lord. Be with us, on our journey. Protect us and keep us safe.

"You go through St. Looie..."

Speaking of oldies but goodies, you would be amazed at how much of old Route #66, decommissioned way back in 1977, is still visible, viable and vivacious. Finding things to do and see, along the old highway is a snap!

You can still "Get your Kicks" as in the classic Bobby Troup song, "on Route #66". As you travel, you pass the cities, named in the lyrics. Going "along the way", just happens to rhyme with the last city, on the route, "LA".

Beginning in Oklahoma City (which BTW, still "looked mighty pretty"), we avoided the lyrically famous, Joplin, "Missour-ee". Most of the pieces of old #66, parallel current Interstate 40. However, by starting, in OK City, we were unable to view the giant, highly advertised, concrete Whale, apparently floating(?), in a murky pond, in nearby Catoosa, Oklahoma. Next time.

As we continued, we were able to ogle a giant, hand decorated, wind turbine blade (cemented to the earth) in a small town park. Then, we drove, rapidly by, a few dozen Indian jewelry and pottery stores. We stayed overnight in an authentically tacky Route #66 Motel. The innards of the motel had been refurbished, but the outside was so true to Black and White, TV history, that only thing missing was the 1961 Corvette, driven by Buz Murdock and Tod Styles.

The town of Shamrock, Texas, besides being overly done-up, in "Top of the Mornin' to you, Irish", has a completely refurbished 1930's style Gas Station. It's now a gift shop/lunch room/ ice cream parlor, and Tesla Charging Station! In "Amarillo Texas", we drove, right on by, the giant neon cowboy sign, that beckoned us to stop in and try to eat a equally giant steak!

It's still possible to ride down the main drag of "Gallup, New Mexico", and still stay in a hotel, visited by Ronald Regan, in the nineteen thirties. To the West is beautiful "Flagstaff, Arizona". You can see dozens of 1880's era stores, along this downtown stretch of the "Mother Road". Walking in, you might purchase two Authentic Route #66 Tee Shirts, for just $10.00! The old train station, in this mountain town, remains a classic. 

"Flagstaff, Arizona", of course, rhymes with "Winona", which is the next stop. Then, "Kingman, Barstow, and San Bernardino, California". Nothing rhymes with California, so both the song AND the highway end.

Dear Lord. You are always with us, as we travel along the roadways of life. You have blessed us with experiences. May we continue to enjoy life and it's beautifully enriching sites.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...