Monday, February 28, 2022

Cutting the cord

For years our choice of TV programming has basically been limited to one cable channel, Hallmark movies and selected PBS programs. After seeing the cable bill, for the first time in decades, I decided to cancel our subscription to Cable TV. After all, I reasoned, all of those hundreds of channels, we were paying for,  were basically repeated again and again. Why should I pay over 200 hundred dollars a month for what we were watching?

I called the provider. She didn't want me to cancel, and of course wanted to offer me a "better deal". I wasn't having it. I'll keep the internet, I told her, but I wanted to drop the cable.

Last week, I returned the little boxes and power cords and hopefully, I'll get a final bill, soon. I have arranged for the "Bulk Trash" folks to come and pick up my two huge tubed TV's. The thrift stores don't want them. I am still signed up for internet, which will be provided, for a much smaller fee. My sources say that I can stream programs, on my remaining TV, with some sort of device. That will be in the future, when some 11 year old comes to visit. Kids are the only people who understand electronics these days.

Thus far, I haven't missed cable TV service. I'm following news on the computer and radio. Local Weather I can get on the computer, too. It's a new, old fashioned idea. 

Dear Lord. Change is difficult. Stay with me as I navigate new waters. Be my rock.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Did This Happen????

 To add fuel to the fire, we got scammed. Or, at least we think we did. 

Occasionally, during this pandemic period, I have ordered large bulky items, to be delivered to my door, from a certain big box store. But, never groceries.

Backing out of my driveway, last week, I spotted around 20 grocery bags of stuff sitting on my front walk. Surprise! I wasn't expecting any large deliveries.  We brought the stuff inside and low and behold, someone...not me....had placed an order, using my card information and address. Now, we had over $200 of groceries, we didn't order. 

Walmart wouldn't take the stuff back. "It's a pandemic lady!" And, my bank assures me that they will get the charge off of my account. Meanwhile, I have gifted my many visitors with boxes of Cilantro Lime Crackers and cartons of Greek Yogurt. My granddaughter enjoyed some of the "you-bake 'em" soft pretzels. I haven't tried the gluten-free Oreos, yet, but the Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese and the chicken flavored veggie burgers might come in handy, if I get snowed in. Maybe, I'll use the 6 boxes of Kodiak Muffin mix, before their expiration date. It was certainly a very strange grocery order.

So, it was a "come to a funeral and leave with a bag of groceries" kind of week. And, meanwhile, I'm still wondering how and why this stuff ended up on my doorstep.

Dear Lord. Life is a mystery. We are recipients of your many blessings. Bring on the surprises.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I'll Never Buy Another Thing!

 For the past two and a half weeks, my daughter and I have been attempting to tidy the homestead. We have donated numerous stuffed boxes and full bags, to three different thrift stores. Our weekly trash has doubled and the recycling guys probably dread making our pick-up. I swear, we have jettisoned at least a ton of unnecessary items. 

There's more to do. In fact, I will quote one young granddaughter who said, " No offense grandma, but your kitchen is a mess."

Then, my good friend came by and basically said, "When are you going to start sorting through stuff?" I wanted to cry.

Accumulating stuff takes time, but the cleaning and the clearing out of that accumulation takes time, too. It's a full time job, and we're getting it done, box by box. 

Good and all powerful God. Give us strength and courage to weather our current storm. Remind us that Your presence is our bulwark.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Not Lost.....

 Years ago, I had a friend who got very upset when anyone spoke to her about her deceased spouse. When asked, "When did you lose your husband?" She'd reply that she did not lose him, he died! 

That particular sentiment has been on my mind lately, because I have just lost my husband. And, that's exactly what it feels like. He's gone. He is not anywhere around, and yet memories of him are everywhere. I just can't physically find him. And yet, I know, in my heart, that he is not lost. He is now in a much better place, and finally at peace.

The next few weeks will be horribly difficult. I'm overwhelmed by what needs to be done. It would be wonderful to have him here to help me, but that isn't possible. However, it is possible to remember the good times and embrace a totally new phase of my life. I have a wonderful and supportive family and a host of really good friends. God will work through those folks and I will survive.

Dear God: You are ever present and ever lasting. Be my vision into the future.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...