Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Pieces and Parts

Today, I threw out an ancient tome of history......a lap-sized 1950's, Junior High Scrapbook.  Now, it could be that you do not know what I am writing about, so I will explain. Pre-teen girls traditionally keep stuff, and the neatest way to archive that stuff, years ago, was to paste those items into a big book. My book had really "groovy" graphics on the front and dozens of construction paper pages, and it was full of my very important keepsakes.

My scrapbook contained a few newspaper articles, now brown and brittle with age. I had pasted dance cards and party napkins from some school dances on several pages. Programs and player rosters, from basketball and football games. were apparently worthy of keeping. I kept birthday cards and a few photos of classmates. Post cards from various friends, as they made family trips, were treasures, too.

Since I have hauled this awkwardly sized scrapbook, from residence to residence for 70 years, it was a bit difficult to pitch. But, I did it. I told myself that I was saving  my kids are from having to do the job, in the future. Seriously, the pages were crumbling and making a big mess. I kept a few of the treasures and I plan to send them to a few old friends. I'll let them throw them away!

Dear Lord. Thank you for our memories. Stuff, mental and physical, is just stuff, and all of us need to let it go. We are blessed.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...