Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Speaking of Numbers....

 I'm having another birthday. It's no big deal. Fact is, that birthdays occur once a year, whether we choose to count them or not.  However, this year it's the big Seven Five. Three quarters of a century. Who would believe it!!!

Did you ever stop to consider the list of numbers that we need to know and use every day? One is your Social Security Number (everyone has one...a nine digit number). Until recently, your SSN was also your Medicare number. Now, thanks to the wisdom of our government, all seniors will have another number to remember, as our Medicare numbers will change.
Then, there are telephone numbers. Most everyone, these days, has a phone that will automatically dial a number associated with a name, which was previously entered into the memory of the phone. But, we still have to remember our own phone numbers! Yikes!
How about your house or apartment number, zip code, or employee number from work? If you have certain medical issues you might need to keep a mental record of your blood sugar count or your blood pressure (one number over the other), or the numbers of your good cholesterol and your bad cholesterol (which is which?????), and report them to your doctor. More numbers! Then, when you are still reeling from trying to remember those numbers, the same nurse will ask you what year you had your last tetanus shot or when and if you had a flu shot, in the last 12 months.  More numbers!
License plate numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, tax numbers, number at the DMV counter, etc. I could never list all of the numbers we must know.
After all, they are just numbers.

Dear Lord. You are number one. You always have been. All of the other numbers are just temporary.
Remind us to put You first in our lives.

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But, what if we need it?

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