Have you become your parents? No. Well, if you think it won't happen to you......just wait.
It was just a short time ago, when I would hop in the car and do the grocery shopping, as fast as I could. I'd grab anything that looked good and hurry home. Now, just like my mother, I make a list, drive ponderously to the super market, check every price, and every ingredients label, then and only then do I make my purchases.
My husband and I have begun to take short (or long) rides around town and out into the countryside, just for entertainment. I remember my grandparents doing that. OMGolly. So far, thank goodness, I haven't heard my husband ask, "Where are we going today, MAMA?" (Grampa Tom always called his wife, my grandma, Mama!)
Then, there are the doctor's appointments. Our wall calendar, attached by magnet to the fridge, used to denote notes about future trips, lunch dates and the kid's sports events. Now, our schedule consists of the dates and times of trips to our various doctors. And, some of those future appointments are 6 months to a year off. Only old people have calendars like that. At least we are optimistic enough to assume we will be well enough to make them!
Every morning, I put on comfortable clothes and shoes. And although, I haven't yet succumbed to the temptation to wear to sandals with ankle socks, I can't remember the last time that I wore a dress and heels.
"The times they are a changin'", and we are happy to go with the flow.
Gracious God, we thank you for our long lives. You have given us countless blessings.