Friday, June 11, 2021


 There was a time when the email, that I received, was of some importance. Filling my inbox, were notifications of meetings, newsy notes from my friends and an occasional posting from my Dentist or the car repair place. I took the time to read them and type out answers, as promptly as possible. These days, I seem to get nothing but meaningless ads. Why?

Every morning, I delete 20 to 30 purchase requests. Now, I know that if you surf the Net, for new underwear or a product to clean your kitchen floor, you will most likely get advertisements for those items for weeks. They will continue to pop-up, even after you have decided what to buy and the merchandise has been delivered to your door. But, most of the items, for which I get unsolicited ads, I have never heard of or even thought about. How and why does that happen?

The Internet has become, for me at least, a waste of my time and effort. Except for use as a phone directory or encyclopedia, I mainly use our desktop for genealogical research and to play word games. Oh, I am not planning on jumping off-line anytime soon. I will continue checking my email every day, scrolling though Facebook, looking for "Jokes from George" and hoping for some classmate news. However, because I will be dodging the unwanted ads, I'll be grumbling the whole time.

Computers are important and prominent in our modern lives. I just wish that we could program them for more constructive purposes.

Dear God. Technology is a wonderful gift. Remind us to use it wisely. Remind us that communicating with our most important resource, You, doesn't require a password. 

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But, what if we need it?

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