Monday, May 31, 2021

Look at that!

 As the old saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers." And, starting tomorrow..."June will be busting out all over." Our yard has its usual annual flower bounty, giving color to the yard. Peonies and iris, planted years ago by the previous owners of our home, pop up like clockwork, every Spring. 

This year, thanks to our one and only daughter, we have a new addition to the flora abunda. When Amy and grandson Alex were visiting in March, they planted some seeds in our naked patio pots and several bare flower beds. Now that Spring has sprung, we have surprise flowers, in lots of unexpected places.

One of the varieties that has started to blossom, is scientifically named Centaurea Cyanus. But, we have always called them Bachelor Buttons. As a child, I remember them growing wild in the alley, beside our house. The spindly blue flowers were considered to be weeds. No one actually planted them. They just came up, faithfully, in the same place every year. And, I liked them.

Come to think of it, aren't unexpected blessings some of the best things life has to offer. Think about it. Don't you just love a surprise phone call from a old friend, or an unexpected visit from a grandchild? 

Surprises are treasures which we should give abundantly....just like Bachelor Buttons.

Great and generous Lord. We are blessed. Remind us to take time to be spontaneous.

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