Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Life happens!

 I finally have to admit that my body shape more closely resembles the word OOPs, than it does the word Thin. Chances are, at my age, this resemblance is pretty much here to stay!

I drive a smallish SUV, and I am also small........height wise. Someone parked too close to my car today, and I couldn't wedge my small round body into the door opening. I couldn't squeeze myself, into our car, no matter how hard I tried.  We had just finished a visit to the eye doctor and my husband suggested that I go back into the building and ask the receptionist to locate the driver of the offending car. But, I'm the "go-to-gal". I solve problems for a living. I thought I could handle the situation.

So, first I climbed up into the back seat and attempted to crawl over the console to the front seat. That might have been a good solution, except I had already deposited my semi-mobile husband in the front passenger seat.

Next, I decided that Scott needed to exit the car, so I asked him to get out and lean up against the car. His walker was already deposited into the trunk area of the car, and I was, by this time, exhausted and in no shape to lift it out and back in again. Once, in the, now empty passenger seat, I would attempt to crawl from the, now empty, passenger seat, over the center console, into the driver's seat. At this point, I need to add, that I had worn a long straight skirt to work and to the appointment. Therefore, I had to hike that skirt up to my middle, exposing the lower part of my body to the entire world, in order to make the climb.

Well, it worked. I yelled at my poor husband, who was leaning up against the outside of the car to "get in".  He did and I started the car. About that time a car, across the parking lot, that had been facing our car pulled out of its spot. the couple inside were laughing like crazy. I assumed they had witnessed the whole fiasco!

What a day.

Dear Lord. We are such funny creatures. Thank you for your love and guidance. give us peace.

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