Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Hello. This is Nancy. May I help you?

 One of the most amusing aspects of my current employment is answering the phone. I would never have thought such a task could bring me such pleasure. Every call is an adventure.

Take for instance the resident, who called and complained about someone ringing her doorbell and running away, before she could get to the door. As my custom, I thanked her for the report and promised to look into the matter.  What I wanted to reply, but didn't, was "This is a senior housing complex. No one here can run that fast!"

At least once a day, I get a call asking for directions to our facility. I have learned that the first thing to ask the caller is...."Where are you now?" Occasionally, I get the answer, "I don't know." Of course, I try to help the person to find our site, but seriously...If you don't know where you are, it's difficult to give directions, to somewhere else.

Folks call and ask if we have elevators and if they go up. Yes, I always reply. We have four elevators, and indeed, they do go up. All of our apartments are accessible by elevator. What I want to say, and never do, is.........and DOWN. But, never SIDEWAYS.

Due to the Pandemic, we have restrictions on visitors, which means folks are dropping off more and more items, for our residents. I get calls announcing the arrival of the item(s). The caller always adds, "It's perishable." I take the items, and say "Thank you."  What I want to say, but don't, is...."Just how perishable is it? So, is it ice cream? A hot meal, maybe? Or is it laundry detergent, with a specified expiration date? Can you be a bit more specific and explain, to me, your understanding of the word perishable?"

May I help you? It's a phrase that will live in infamy.

Dear Lord. Thank you for humor. Thank you for blessing me all day, every day. Help me to see the uniqueness of each of Your children. 

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But, what if we need it?

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