Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Just who was it that started calling mixed gender groups of people “GUYS”? It seems like every other person that addresses me, groups me into the phrase “YOU GUYS”. Listen up!  I am not a GUY. I have chosen not to be a GUY. I am offended, when people call me a GUY. I will never be a GUY. Stop doing it!

I am told that it’s okay to be grouped with the GUYS. Everyone uses it. Is that supposed to make it okay? Woke people are constantly altering their speech, to eliminate many of our gender related nouns and pronouns.  We all try not to say MEN, anymore. We are supposed to be using the term “persons”.  As in….”All persons are created equal.”

Don’t use the noun “actress” when referring to a female in a movie or play. All the folks playing roles are now called ACTORS. We should correctly use the terms Postal Employees or Post Persons, instead saying postman or postmen. Don’t even attempt to use the phrase “man” the desk, phones or overboard. It’s now better to substitute the word “person”. And please don’t even think about “man up”!

My mother used to tell me, “just because everyone else is doing it, that doesn’t mean you should be doing it, too”. So, please, jump in there, make me happy and buck the trend! Help stop this annoying grammar faux pas.


Lord. Do you know that I am really trying? I’m working on improving my Kindness and Patience factors. I am much too impatient and lots of things irritate me. Keep me humble. Guide my feet and my mouth.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I find myself saying this many, many times during the day. It really helps...
"Love is Patient. Love is Kind." Kind of sums Everything up!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...