Thursday, September 24, 2020

Alternate Universe



The youngest resident of our community is over 70. We have many residents who are far into their nineties and at least two that are over 100 years old.

With that knowledge, let me relate a recent conversation that I overheard between two octogenarians. One asked the other, “How old are you?” The other replied, from over her walker, “Forty.” The first lady began to correct her by saying, “You have to be older than forty. I’m ninety-four, you know.” The second lady then replied with, “Well, I look a lot older than I really am.”

End of discussion.

Dear Lord, why are we such sceptics? When will we learn to trust in You? When will we stop questioning everything that happens? When will we stop trying to blame others, for our problems? Help us to realize that Trust and Acceptance should be our goals, in times of strife.


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