Monday, September 28, 2020

"All You Need is Love"


HATE. I truly believe it is the ugliest word in the English Language. And, it is probably the easiest word to say. As a child, I would say, I hate spinach or I hate taking a bath. My mother would tell me, “You don’t hate spinach, you just don’t like it!” …get in the bathroom! How many of us said, many years ago, “I hate school, or I hate my teacher.”? Maybe we didn’t like them, but hate?

HATE is such a strong word.  Webster’s Dictionary lists quite a few synonyms, but I can’t imagine anyone using any of them. Can you imagine a “peaceful” protestor screaming at a policeman…. “I LOATHE you’’  Or how about, “I DETEST, ABHOR or DESPISE you”?  And, a protestor would never take the time to print out the word ABOMINATE!

HATE is powerful emotion and it is a subject written about by some very quotable people. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.” Very wise.  And, his widow, Coretta Scott King, said, “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”

There is way too much hate and hate speech in our lives. The quote I like best is from the writer, Maya Angelou. “Hate has caused a lot of problems in this world, but has not yet solved one.”

HATE is not the answer. Hate is not one of God’s gifts and Graces. Hate is going to make you unhappy and sad. Don’t HATE anyone or anything. It won’t improve your life one iota.


Dear Lord. You did not hate anyone. Teach us tolerance and acceptance. We are all very different and we need to get along.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Alternate Universe



The youngest resident of our community is over 70. We have many residents who are far into their nineties and at least two that are over 100 years old.

With that knowledge, let me relate a recent conversation that I overheard between two octogenarians. One asked the other, “How old are you?” The other replied, from over her walker, “Forty.” The first lady began to correct her by saying, “You have to be older than forty. I’m ninety-four, you know.” The second lady then replied with, “Well, I look a lot older than I really am.”

End of discussion.

Dear Lord, why are we such sceptics? When will we learn to trust in You? When will we stop questioning everything that happens? When will we stop trying to blame others, for our problems? Help us to realize that Trust and Acceptance should be our goals, in times of strife.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Just who was it that started calling mixed gender groups of people “GUYS”? It seems like every other person that addresses me, groups me into the phrase “YOU GUYS”. Listen up!  I am not a GUY. I have chosen not to be a GUY. I am offended, when people call me a GUY. I will never be a GUY. Stop doing it!

I am told that it’s okay to be grouped with the GUYS. Everyone uses it. Is that supposed to make it okay? Woke people are constantly altering their speech, to eliminate many of our gender related nouns and pronouns.  We all try not to say MEN, anymore. We are supposed to be using the term “persons”.  As in….”All persons are created equal.”

Don’t use the noun “actress” when referring to a female in a movie or play. All the folks playing roles are now called ACTORS. We should correctly use the terms Postal Employees or Post Persons, instead saying postman or postmen. Don’t even attempt to use the phrase “man” the desk, phones or overboard. It’s now better to substitute the word “person”. And please don’t even think about “man up”!

My mother used to tell me, “just because everyone else is doing it, that doesn’t mean you should be doing it, too”. So, please, jump in there, make me happy and buck the trend! Help stop this annoying grammar faux pas.


Lord. Do you know that I am really trying? I’m working on improving my Kindness and Patience factors. I am much too impatient and lots of things irritate me. Keep me humble. Guide my feet and my mouth.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Bite Me!

 Two days ago, I was stung, on my right hand, by a wasp. It hurt like the dickens, and I had to swipe the thing off, because it refused to let go. To treat the bite, I applied a baking soda paste and some topical anti-itch cream. And, thank goodness, I also took the extra precaution of removing all five of my rings.

Twenty four hours later, with my hand resembling a bright red ball, I was persuaded to seek medical treatment. I had no knuckles, and my fingers were puffy little stubs.  I couldn't make a fist, and angry redness was creeping up my arm.

We feared the worst, as we entered the Emergency Room, of our near-by hospital, on a long holiday weekend. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. The place was bound to be overcrowded with broken arms, legs, shootings and all kinds of holiday mishaps. We were surely in for a long tedious wait.

 Well, to our surprise, we were immediately ushered in to an examining room, seen just as rapidly by a doctor and within minutes I was fitted with an IV. Two intravenous drugs and a few instructions later, we were on our way home.

Today, the swelling is down and I am able to grip the steering wheel of the car. The itch is under control, and the redness is almost gone. Thank God for great medical care.

Dear Lord. We are blessed. We thank you for your healing care and continue to watch over us.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Surprise Surprise

 Aren't surprises the best things ever? No, I don't mean Surprise Birthday Parties. I've written about those before. Seniors should never have anyone pull a surprise on them. Not even a 90th Birthday ! Because, Mama wants to have her hair done and a new pants suit for such a big event! She doesn't want anyone remembering her without make-up. And do you really want to risk a heart attack, topping off the big surprise?

I'm writing about chance encounters with an old friend, or these days, even a cheerful email exchange. They are blessings. Upon receiving a couple of unanticipated emails, this week, I have decided to instigate a little joy, myself. So, I'm setting a goal of reaching out to someone new, every week. I'm excited about the possibilities. Old friends, good memories. New friends, and new memories.

Don't be SURPRISED, if you hear from me, soon.

Good and gracious God. Help me to make a joyful noise. Teach me compassion. Guide me on my journey.


 The New Year presents itself as an opportunity to make personal improvement. Since, I've always considered myself similar to Mary Poppp...