HATE. I truly believe it is the ugliest word in the English
Language. And, it is probably the easiest word to say. As a child, I would say,
I hate spinach or I hate taking a bath. My mother would tell me, “You don’t
hate spinach, you just don’t like it!” …get in the bathroom! How many of us
said, many years ago, “I hate school, or I hate my teacher.”? Maybe we didn’t
like them, but hate?
HATE is such a strong word. Webster’s Dictionary lists quite a few
synonyms, but I can’t imagine anyone using any of them. Can you imagine a
“peaceful” protestor screaming at a policeman…. “I LOATHE you’’ Or how about, “I DETEST, ABHOR or DESPISE
you”? And, a protestor would never take
the time to print out the word ABOMINATE!
HATE is powerful emotion and it is a subject written about
by some very quotable people. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Let no man pull
you low enough to hate him.” Very wise.
And, his widow, Coretta Scott King, said, “Hate is too great a burden to
bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
There is way too much hate and hate speech in our lives. The
quote I like best is from the writer, Maya Angelou. “Hate has caused a lot of
problems in this world, but has not yet solved one.”
HATE is not the answer. Hate is not one of God’s gifts and
Graces. Hate is going to make you unhappy and sad. Don’t HATE anyone or
anything. It won’t improve your life one iota.
Dear Lord. You did not hate anyone. Teach us tolerance and
acceptance. We are all very different and we need to get along.