Sunday, August 16, 2020

Vote Early, Vote Often!

I have always believed that there are no stupid questions. But, last year, in November, I recall receiving, what I thought at the time, the least intelligent questions I have ever been asked to answer. My resident friends wanted to know if I had ballots, for the general election. What, I thought?  How could I have a stack of ballots for a government election? Ballots are not distributed, en masse, to the general public. No, I told them. Ballots are secret and they are only given out at the polls by certified poll workers, or in certain cases, ballots are mailed to those folks who have sworn that they cannot go, in person, to the polls. If I had a stack of ballots to distribute, what would stop me from "stuffing" the ballot box. This is a one person, one vote country. Voting is sacred.

Well, look at me, now. Do I look stupid, or what? It appears that we are going to have a general election with millions of ballots going out, by mail, to the masses. "Mail out" ballots give a whole new meaning to vote early, vote often. How is this going to work? How can this be fair?

Every day, as un-official "postmistress" of my workplace, I must deal with 20 to 30 pieces of mail for folks who have passed on, or moved out. The truth is, people just do not inform their friends, creditors, the US Postal Service or the County Election Board, when they move on. 

Think about it. Do you want me, or people like me, voting the way I WANT, with YOUR BALLOT? I hope not. 

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...