Saturday, August 22, 2020

Can I hear an AMEN???????

 Have you given any thought toward "kindness", lately? If you haven't, you're not alone. Kindness seems to have been packed away with our winter boots, and of course "out of sight, out of mind".Kindness is a Gift of the Holy Spirit and a Virtue. Hatred and anger, no matter how well you do them, are not Virtues, nor are they gifts to anyone! God wants us to be kind, to our fellow life-travelers.

Now, that does not mean that you are supposed to let folks be mean to you, walk all over you or put you down. No doubt, you have heard the phrase, "kill them with kindness". I am all over that powerful bit of philosophical wisdom! I have become an expert at listening, smiling and saying...."there you go".

Whenever I encounter a Meanie, I just listen to them rant and rave. It doesn't really matter if their anger is directed at me or at one of fellow workers, the important thing is to allow that person to "let it go". I have discovered, over my many years, that it is almost impossible to argue with someone who will not argue back. I aspire to be that passive pretender, because nine times out of ten, my protagonist will tire of ranting and raving, and move on. I'm just no fun!

I try to practice kindness, but I am not perfect. There are times, when I argue and  talk back. But, when that happens, I usually regret my actions. Saying please, thank you and I hear what you're saying, usually saves the day.

Dear Lord. We make it so hard on ourselves and others. Our trust is in You.

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But, what if we need it?

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