Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I Quit.........

I heard a new phrase, the other day, that was used in relation to a young couple and their large extended family. It was quoted widely in all forms of news media. It seems that the pair was "going to step away from their family duties and responsibilities".
Of course, there have been times when I have wanted to "step away", from my family, so I can understand their problem. However, I have found that it's not so easy. Someone needs to kindly explain, to the couple, that the issues they don't want to deal with, will continue, no matter what they say or do.
To paraphrase the famous philosopher, Popeye, "We are who we are and that's all that we are." We are a product of generations of family! Now, I do understand that some families are toxic, but "stepping away" is not an option, at least for most of us.
I wish the young couple good luck. I heard that they are going to "step away" by going across the Atlantic, to Canada. However, the last I heard, Canada was still a Commonwealth Nation, and definitely not isolated from the rest of the world. Someone is bound to recognize them!

Dear God, You know who we are. You know that we are not in control of our life journey. We know that You are our refuge, our strength and our salvation. Through You, and only through You, are we able to live life to the fullest.

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