Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Prospero ano nuevo

We're coming to the end of another year. And, as with all years, there have been some good times and some not so good times. However, the moments that I will remember, from this past year, have been the bittersweet ones.
At my desk, I deal with quite a bit of confusion. But, it seems to me that as my friends slip into deeper and deeper confusion, the kinder and gentler they become.  To a person, they remain truly thankful for my suggestions and directions. It's a blessing.
And, looking back, although I'm sad and often weepy, when we lose a resident, it is almost always a blessing for the departed and their families. Old age, as they say, is not for the weak. We don't wish pain and suffering for anyone, and no matter how much we love them, we must let them go.
My co-workers are all remarkable folks. It isn't easy caring for the elderly. Each of our residents is unique, and it takes a lot of patience and understanding, on behalf of our nursing, dietary, maintenance, and office staff to make them comfortable. We all gripe and carry on a bit, but we are all about service to others.
So, I thank God for yet another year of blessings and I look forward to the coming 365 days, with joy and hope.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Time is precious.

What's wrong with people, these days? Yesterday, I dropped by the nearest Auto Parts Store to pick up one item. The young person behind the counter asked, "How may I help you?"
Smiling, I told him, "I need a bottle of power steering fluid."
A simple enough request, I thought. However, I was so wrong. Because, at that point, he had a plethora of questions for me.
"What make is your car?" he asked. "Cadillac", I replied. Then, he wanted to know what model? I had to admit that I did not know. After that, he wanted to know the year, and started to inquire of another clerk, about the grade of product that I might need.  Then he asked if the car were outside, and I said,"No". "The steering is making noises, so I'm not driving it," I volunteered.
He continued with his questions, until I finally said, "Look, it's a twenty year old Cadillac, something or other, with 300,000 plus miles on it. You can hardly see the paint color, under the rust. Nothing you can give me will hurt this old tank. I just need some power steering fluid."
Well, he replied, "Are you sure it's not transmission fluid, you want?"
I took a deep breath, because by this time I was getting a bit annoyed, and my fists were clinched. Then, I told him that the car was making screechy noises, when the wheel was being turned.
He replied, wisely, "That sounds like the power steering."
By now, I was close to exploding, so thankfully, he decided to ring up the purchase. I paid him for the five dollar item and left the store. Errand accomplished.
I am never going back there, and I will never disparage self-service again.

Lord, give me patience. We never know what causes folks to act the way they do. Help us to realize that we can't always have our way. Teach me self-control.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Wisdom of Buddy

It just so happens that my most favorite movies are all considered politically incorrect. And, just like the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial.........NOT SORRY! So what if "Holiday Inn" has a scene in black face, "Blazing Saddles" makes fun of everyone, including Methodists, and  "The Three Amigos" spoofs the classic "Magnificent Seven"? They are my favorites.
I watched "Holiday Inn", all by myself, three times, last weekend, and I sang along with every song, including the one about "Abraham"! It's a movie, for goodness sake, not a indicator of moral injustice.
Well, I now have a new favorite movie, "ELF". Watching it makes me laugh out loud, at every crazy thing that happens to Buddy the Elf. Along with the laughs come a few wise words of wisdom, that help to make the movie a classic, and a must see at the holiday season. "The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear." And, "Smiling! That's my favorite."  Both are great Buddy quotes, which makes this movie so much fun.
So, "ELF" has not yet been labeled as politically incorrect, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Someone will surely complain about the Candy Cane Forest (too much sugar) or the SPCN (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Narwhals) will chastise Buddy's cavalier attitude toward Mr. Narwhal.
Such is our modern society.

Dear Lord. thank you for your Son, our Savior. Show us mercy and goodness. Teach us to love and accept everyone.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

........and folks dressed up like Eskimos

I hope that you all have favorite memories of "Christmases Long, Long Ago".  After all, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."
In the Midwest, Christmas means cold weather. As a kid, I loved the winter weather. Every year, I couldn't wait to get out my sled. I still have that very sled!  Of course, it's now a weathered antique (sort of like me). It held up pretty well, because it wasn't really cool enough or fast enough for my kids to use and wreck. And now, as a survivor, it makes a great front porch, decorative piece.
I've kept my ice skates, too. They are in a drawer, someplace in the garage. The beautiful white leather shoe-skates were a present from Santa. I remember they were all that I wanted that year. What a thrill to have my very own skates! Until finding my new pair under the tree, I had been using my mom's skates, which were black and dated from the 1930s. And, I had memorized the advertisement for those skates from The Sears and Roebuck Catalog. Twelve dollars and 99 cents, plus shipping.
Ice skating was such fun. We had a perfect sized "lake" in our neighborhood, and all of my friends were skaters. When the ice got thick enough, when we weren't falling down, we all became Olympic hopefuls.
Happy Holiday!

Dear Lord. Thank you for Long Term Memories.

Friday, December 6, 2019

So Be Good For Goodness Sake.....

Are you familiar with the "Elf on the Shelf"? If not, I will explain it as the latest take on "He sees you when your sleeping. He knows if you're awake" ......and so on.  So, it has occurred to me that I should create an "Elf on the Shelf" for the elderly.
Here is my marketing plan. I propose a small mirror, in a stand-up frame. A Senior would put it any  place in his or her dwelling. Imagine, looking into the mirror and seeing your gray-haired self thanking your housekeeper for putting clean sheets on your bed. That's being Nice. Or, offering to check your neighbor's mail box for incoming mail. That would also be Nice. You could see yourself, spreading Christmas Spirit with every glance.
On the other hand, the mirror would also capture you dressing down the maintenance man for not fixing your television reception as quickly as YOU wanted.  Or, you might be seen griping about the weather or some one's unknowing mistake. That's being Naughty. No one should be caught being Naughty!
The mirror would record all of your activities, during the holiday season, good or bad, and just like with Santa or his helper, the Shelf Elf, you would be compensated accordingly, for your behavior..
I don't imagine that I would garner any money or fame from my Elderly Mirror Project. But, you know, it makes me chuckle just thinking about it.

Dear Lord. Remind me that doing the right thing is always the right thing.  Being Nice trumps Naughty, anytime.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...