Tuesday, July 31, 2018


I have been hacked by the Russians. I don't know when, why or how, but I am declaring that I have definitely been hacked.
You are aware, of course, that these days you can get lots of attention, by saying you've been hacked, accusing other folks of being hacked, or by just mentioning the word hacked? Hacking is very cool.
So, listen up. I have been hacked.
Who knows what the Russians were looking for? I am not a crook (that sounds familiar) or a spy. Perhaps the Russians are targeting grandmas in their seventies. Maybe they are interested in knowing the thoughts and concerns of aging Americans? Who knows? But, I've been hacked!
I am sticking to my story. Bring on the reporters and the cameras. Tweet about me and put my photo on the nightly news. Send over the Justice Department and the CIA, because I am ready to take full advantage of the publicity. Too bad that I'm not running for re-election, or being hacked might cause me to win by a landslide.
Okay, "I misspoke." The whole story is a fabrication. I have FOMO. That's the Fear Of Missing Out.
I think it may be a legitimate medical condition, and if it's not, I am making it one.

Good and all-knowing God, Why do we have so much trouble accepting the gifts and graces You have given us? Why do we want more? Why do we crave attention? We should be more thankful, more trusting and more obedient than we are. Dear Lord, lying is not what you want us to do.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

There was a farmer had a dog and ........

You're just too serious, folks. Laugh a little more, or at least smile about something. Life is way too short for perpetual grumps, worrying and nay-sayers.
We've been having a bit of trouble with the Bingo players, at work. According to reports made by the staff, there have been incidents of bullying, name calling and a bit of pushing and shoving. Behavior similar to that which you would expect from ill-behaved 8 year olds. And likewise, the players themselves are complaining that the staff  isn't "fair" and they change the rules "all the time."
Well, I'm not allowed to help with Bingo, so I have no say in the matter. Several years ago, I was the designated "caller" at the daily Bingo games. It was such an unpleasant experience that I threatened to "slit my throat in front of the gamers," if I were asked to continue as caller!
I've mellowed a bit, due to forced disassociation with the game, but I would (if they would let me) tell both groups to chill out! Relax. It's a game. There is no "fight to the death" in Bingo. The stakes are only a quarter a card. Fortunes will not be won or lost here.
If playing the game is so upsetting, don't play and go find something else to do. If you like playing, then go ahead and play, but remember it is just a game. Life is full of good sports and bad sports, rule followers and rule breakers. Relax.
Maybe, just maybe, Bingo is a metaphor for life. We are here for such a short time. Enjoy it!

Dear Lord. You never promised us a BINGO. You have promised us your everlasting love and support. We can't win at everything in life. Grant us mercy and the strength to do your will.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Let it Go.......now!

I am going to paint my kitchen yellow. I don't think it is the current DIY trend. Never the less, I am going with yellow.
Recently, I expounded on redecorating my kitchen. I had just started to strip the old wall paper,
and promptly had three set of guests and an out-of-town trip or two, before I could actually finish my project.
Well, I am finally back at the redo! Here's why I decided on yellow. Yellow is mellow, and it will blend with my blue and white antique dishes. I already have three entire sets of dishes, besides the blue and white ones, and at my age, I don't need to buy another set. I have too many dishes as it is.
In case the mature among you don't realize it yet, your children do not want your stuff! They do not want your china. They do not want your sterling silver, and for Pete's sake, they do not want your books.
I know this, because, I am asked nearly every week, by lovely, cultured, new residents, " Do your want my books? I have wonderful books. Best sellers, every one. My kids don't want them."
200 + residents. 200 +, collections of books.
No one can bring themselves to throw away books. But, we will take them. We will attempt to find a place for therm. Our library is full to the brim, but there are places (and we know where they are) that will accept book donations.
Maybe, just maybe, in the next decade, or so, I can make good use of my  old blue and white dishes. Some will break, others will be lost. But, I am not leaving them to my kids.

Dear Lord. You must see the humor in your children's folly. We collect. We can't take it with us. Our stuff means nothing to anyone but us. Help us to let it go. Your arms are our final destination.We praise Your Holy Name.

Monday, July 16, 2018


My hometown is famous for several things, but mostly it is famous for its dueling chicken restaurants. Chicken Annie's and Chicken Mary's, the two rival establishments, sit, side by side and have done so, since the nineteen thirties.
The actual structures, of the two competitors, have changed drastically over the years.
I can first remember going to "Chicken Annie's" in the late nineteen forties. Dad went in and got our name on a list, and we all waited in the four door Kaiser, until our name was announced on a single loud speaker, (it resembled a horn) that was hung by a nail, on a tree, in the back yard. The food was served, in both places, from their homes.
In those days, my order was always the "fifty-cent dark meat", which consisted of a leg, thigh, slaw and German potato salad. My drink of choice was Grape Nehi. My sister always ordered white meat and Orange Nehi. Our folks meals, larger servings than ours, were priced at one dollar a person.
Upon our last visit to "Chicken Mary's", we noted that the basic batter coating, on the deep fried chicken, hasn't changed one bit in 70 years. There were other options for the sides, but slaw and German potato salad were still on the menu. At least a hundred folks were in the dining room when we arrived and the scurrying movements of the wait staff made our heads spin. The prices, believe it or not, begin at only a dollar. We enjoyed our meal, didn't break our budget and waddled out to our car, in a paved parking lot!
Fried chicken has been and will always be......in spite of the obvious health issues of grease, grease and more grease......a draw for the American masses.

Great and all knowing God. We are thankful for our many memories. We are grateful for our current experiences. We believe that you are with us in the good times and through the rough times. We honor Your Holy Name.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

No Other Way........

There is a limit to my abilities. My common sense tells me, there is a limit. But, my crazy, impulsive self always tells me otherwise.
About two months ago, I decided to revamp my kitchen. My grandiose plan, it seemed pretty simple at the time, was to strip off all of the decades old wallpaper and to repaint the walls and the cabinets. Well, no sooner did the first strips of wallpaper come off, the phone started ringing.
Our daughter announced a surprise, two weekend visit. We were thrilled to have her, but that slowed down my DYI remodel. I didn't get a thing done while she was here, but we sure did have a lot of fun! I got back to work, right after she left.
Next, our son called from New Jersey. They have planned a road trip to Kansas City, in August. That's great because we get to see out latest grandson, for the first time, and of course the rest of the family. (I knew that I had to get busy, fast.)
However, relatives from California are coming for a few days, next week, and we are scheduled to make a quick weekend trip, to Oklahoma, this weekend.
My kitchen looks like a war zone. The walls are stripped naked and dotted with wall patch. The curtains are down and the wall switch plates are gone. I'm in the middle of a big mess.
I have to let this one go. I'll clean the floors and make things as presentable as possible and just tell my company that my kitchen is a work in progress.
Instead of BoHo Chic, the Kincaids have OhOh Chic!

Sweet Jesus, How do we get ourselves into such trouble? Why can't we realize our limits? Your Wisdom is so great and you guidance is available to all of us. Help us to listen to Your Words and Your Will. Help us to "Trust and Obey."

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Conversational English

Conversation #1.
  One morning, I encountered a woman sitting in a wheelchair, awaiting her turn in the hair salon. She looked and acted as if she were quite cold. I took her hands, in mine, and she remarked, "Your hands are so warm!" "Oh," I replied. "Let me hold your hands, in mine, for a bit. Are you chilly?"
She replied, with a big grin, "No, I'm Jackie!"
Conversation #2.
  The woman asked, "Do you have Peroxide, in the convenience store?"
"Well," I replied, "let me check for you, ma'am. (I run in the store and check the shelves. then I return to the counter.) Yes, ma'am, we have Topical Hydrogen Peroxide."
"Tropical Peroxide? Can I put that in my mouth?"
"No, it says, topical. I wouldn't drink it. You're supposed to apply it to wounds, etc. But, the bottle does say that it can be used as a mouth rinse. Just don't swallow it!"
"Great. I have a gum problem. I'll take a bottle."
Conversation #3.
Upon discovering a woman, on the floor, I asked, probably, the dumbest question ever posed.
"Did you fall?"
Her reply was, "No, I didn't fall."
Then I responded with the 2nd dumbest quested ever asked. "Why are you on the floor?"
She said, "I don't know. I'm just sitting down here."

"Nancy," (I am known to talk to myself, quite often), "sometimes, conversations are priceless and way over the top. Sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason. I need to enjoy those moments and cherish the encounters."

God, we are so blessed. Thank you, Lord. We should be particularly thankful for the opportunities that we have to help others. Show us how to do your work.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...