Friday, December 29, 2017

Deep Freeze

Winter has arrived in the Midwest. It's cold and the weather forecast tells us that it is going to get much colder, next week. It has been predicted that we will have at least one week of below zero weather.
But, our residents are worrying about the weather. It's what they do. Weather has been a worry all  their lives, and, at this point, they are not about to let it go.
Never mind that their apartments are warm (the temperature can be adjusted, by pushing a button or turning a dial), and all their utilities are paid.
They have no pipes that are in danger of freezing, nor will they, themselves, freeze to death.
A full service, "order whatever you want", restaurant is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
A well stocked convenience store is available for various paper goods, milk, candy, etc.
No one is likely to run out of toilet paper, or starve to death during this cold spell.
At least 2 movies are available in our movie theater, free of charge, every day. We offer sing-alongs, card games, a puzzle room, exercise classes and more. Joining a ukulele band is even an option.
No one should die of boredom.
In other words, bring on the cold weather. Life is pretty darn good in a retirement community.

Dear God. Why do we worry? You are going to watch over us. We know that. Teach us how to trust in your everlasting care and love.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Santa is Watching !!!!!

Have you ever heard the phrase,"One man's trash is another man's treasure."?
Well, that same phrase could be applied to this darned, new-fangled, Ugly Christmas Sweater fad. In case you haven't heard, there is now a day dedicated to the wearing of Ugly Christmas Sweaters! That, dear folks, is just plain mean.
I have a couple of special Christmas outfits, that I love. However ugly they may be to you, I think they are beautiful.  But now, I hesitate to wear them, because someone might make a comment about  my "ugly" clothing, and that would hurt my feelings.
One lady at work, has worn a different Christmas shirt, each day, during the month of December. She obviously loves them and believes that they are great. I think that they are fun and I enjoy greeting her every day, and seeing each new shirt. But just wait, someone is bound to comment on her "ugly" sweater.
Being good and kind is part of this Holy Season. Please, remember that your opinion only counts (with regards to style) when you have something nice to say. Don't be put on the Naughty List, by saying something you shouldn't.
Be Nice, instead.

Good and kind God. We are thankful for Jesus and the reason for the season. Guide us with your infinite wisdom and courage. We praise your holy name.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mit Schlagg

What is wrong with this picture? Almost everyone I know is a bit overweight.  Yet, every holiday recipe with which I have been gifted, handed, emailed or texted, involves lots of sugar, cool whip, cream cheese and/or marshmallow fluff.
Enough already. I refuse, from this point forward, to look at another new recipe. Ina, Martha and Rachel just don't send anymore my way. Those ingredients do not belong in my grocery cart. I'm not making any of them. I have to wonder if anyone, with any sense, actually does? 
Holiday desserts are a part of the season. I get that, but, just like most of life.........within reason and with moderation.
In the meantime, I am just saying "no" to all desserts.......except maybe just one or two, or a few more.

Dear Lord, give me strength. Help me to keep my mouth shut.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


People move into retirement communities for a variety of reasons. Their spouses pass away. They are lonely. Their children are concerned about their ability to make decisions. Houses are too big or too confusing to manage. There are many reasons.
Today's Retirement Communities offer many comforts and amenities, to those folks who no longer want to or who can no longer manage their former homes.
The best case, in point, may be my very good friend, John. John moved from a single family dwelling to our Senior Apartment Community several years ago. He was lonely and completely alone in his house. Several times, he has told me "I would be dead by now if I had stayed in my house".
He gives credit to his three children, who  cared enough about his welfare to encourage his move to our Retirement Community. They helped him sell his home, facilitated the downsizing and got him situated in his lovely, one-bedroom apartment.
And, wowzer......John has blossomed. He is first on the bus for every trip! I sign him up for all of our activities. Although, he tells me that he wants to "get out of Dodge" at every opportunity, he is also happy to return home to his apartment, when the outing is over. He is enjoying his life!
John attends all of the "in house" activities that he can. He is the first to sign up for every event that we host. And, when I see him, he always asks, playfully,...."are we still having fun?"
By God, we are!
God has blessed him. God has blessed me.
I love John.

Thank you Lord for my life. I am blessed.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

When you are perfect in every way.......

The old country song goes, "Oh. Lord it's hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way." That line should be really funny, because none of us are perfect. And, when you get to thinking that you are never wrong .....look out.   Pride cometh before a fall.
Several time this week, I encountered "Perfect" folks. Perfect folks are annoying and nobody really pays attention to them. That's because most of us think that we already know everything ourselves.
That could be why so little gets accomplished on this earth. No body listens to anyone else.
My advice is ...Listen to the other person. Hear what she or he has to say. You may actually learn something. No one is always right. Life is a collaboration.
Think about this. If you are so perfect, always right, and never, ever wrong, why on earth did God create other people. Why didn't he just stop with the perfect you?

Dear Lord. You gave us two ears, and only one mouth. That should tell us something. We need to be reminded to use our ears more than our mouths. Listening is one of Your greatest gifts.
Show us how to use it more. We glorify Your Holy Name.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...