Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Santa is Watching !!!!!

Have you ever heard the phrase,"One man's trash is another man's treasure."?
Well, that same phrase could be applied to this darned, new-fangled, Ugly Christmas Sweater fad. In case you haven't heard, there is now a day dedicated to the wearing of Ugly Christmas Sweaters! That, dear folks, is just plain mean.
I have a couple of special Christmas outfits, that I love. However ugly they may be to you, I think they are beautiful.  But now, I hesitate to wear them, because someone might make a comment about  my "ugly" clothing, and that would hurt my feelings.
One lady at work, has worn a different Christmas shirt, each day, during the month of December. She obviously loves them and believes that they are great. I think that they are fun and I enjoy greeting her every day, and seeing each new shirt. But just wait, someone is bound to comment on her "ugly" sweater.
Being good and kind is part of this Holy Season. Please, remember that your opinion only counts (with regards to style) when you have something nice to say. Don't be put on the Naughty List, by saying something you shouldn't.
Be Nice, instead.

Good and kind God. We are thankful for Jesus and the reason for the season. Guide us with your infinite wisdom and courage. We praise your holy name.

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